The written part of the qualifying work, that is the Bachelor’s thesis or the Master’s thesis (the “Qualifying Work”) is assigned using the KOS information system. It is the right and obligation of the student arising from the Decree of the Rector No. 2/2023 (Article 2) to enter the required details in the KOS information system.
The process of entering the Qualifying Work into KOS comprises the following actions:
1. Students set up a new work in KOS
- You can find the offer to set up a new work at the bottom of the page in the section titled State Examinations -> Bachelor’s, Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations
- You set up an A-type new work – theoretic work. Generally speaking, this is meant to include any written work – either a supplement to a graduate performance or an entirely independent theoretic work
- If you already have set up an assignment and you are returning to it, you should edit your assignment after clicking on the “Editing” button
2. Students fill in the required information in the assignment form
- TOPIC OF THE QUALIFYING WORK – The focus of the topic of the qualifying work must correspond to the student’s programme of study. The topic need not necessarily be identical to the title of the work (the work title may specify the topic in greater detail).
- TITLE OF THE QUALIFYING WORK IN CZECH AND IN ENGLISH – The title can be specified appropriately later on with a sub-title; alternatively, the title may also be changed completely with the consent of the supervisor of the work.
- LANGUAGE OF THE QUALIFYING WORK – Czech or Slovak; for programmes taught in English, the language should be English. Czech is the default language for programmes accredited in Czech; works can also be written in Slovak without the need for an exemption. If students wish to write their work in a language other than the language of the accreditation, they need to apply for an exemption to the Dean (no exemptions are allowed as a concession due to lack of knowledge of Czech). The application for a change in language can be filed upon assignment or later in the course of the work (see the part titled Ongoing changes in the work).
- SUPERVISOR OF THE QUALIFYING WORK – Students should only fill in the name of the work’s supervisor after agreement with the individual concerned. If the supervisor is an external lecturer or a tutor without a valid agreement with AMU in place, students will not find the details in KOS and need to ask the Secretary of the Department for assistance in filling in the details. If applicable, supervisors can also be replaced later on; the replacement shall be approved by the Dean.
3. Printing, signing and submitting the form at the Department
- After all information is completed, students shall store, print and sign the form (you may also ask the Department Secretary to print the form for you)
- After the signed Qualifying Work assignment form is submitted at the Department, the department head shall approve the assignment and he/she shall fill in the name of the opponent of the work
- Opponent can also be entered later on in the assignment if he/she is not known when the assignment is being compiled; however, this shall be no later than 2 months prior to submitting the work for oral defence. Appointment of opponents is within the powers of the department head, nominations are approved by the Dean.
4. Approval by the Dean
- Departments submit assignments of the Qualifying Work approved by the department head to the Office of Academic Affairs (Studijní oddělení) for approval by the Dean
- The Dean approves assignments of the Qualifying Work; if any reservations appear, the Dean shall request the Department to modify the assignment
- Once approved by the Dean, the Office of Academic Affairs (Studijní oddělení) changes the status of the Qualifying Work in KOS from "Návrh (Proposal)" to "Schváleno (Approved)"
- At this moment, the assignment form locks for the student and changes, if any, are made by the Department on the basis of an approved application from the student (see Ongoing Changes of the Work)
Changes in an approved assignment of the Qualifying Work are subject to approval by the supervisor of the work or the Dean, depending on the character of the change.
A change in the title of the Qualifying Work: If an originally approved title no longer corresponds to the contents of the work and its appropriate extension with a sub-title is not sufficient, the supervisor of the work may permit a change in the title based on an application from the student. Students shall complete and sign the Application for a change in the title of the Qualifying Work and shall submit it at the Department. The title of the Qualifying Work shall be changed in KOS by the Department after approval by the supervisor of the work.
A change in the topic, language or supervisor of the Qualifying Work: In exceptional cases, the topic or the supervisor of the Qualifying Work may change. Students are also allowed to apply for an exemption and a permit to write the Qualifying Work in a language other than the language of the accreditation in the course of drafting their works. These changes shall be approved by the Dean on the basis of an Application for a change in assignment completed and signed by the student and approved by the supervisor of the Qualifying Work and the department head. The application for a change in the supervisor shall be signed by the new supervisor. In exceptional and justified cases, the Dean may change the supervisor of the Qualifying Work also without the consent of the student.
Students register for their state final examinations in KOS in the section titled State examinations --> Registration for state final examination on or before the final date for registrations that shall occur no less than one month prior to the examination.
The individual Departments enter the dates of the state final examinations in KOS in line with the DAMU Academic Year Schedule. You can find their overview at the bottom of this page.
After you register for a date of the state final examination, KOS shall complete automatically also the date of submission of your Qualifying Work – usually, it is the same date as the final date for registration for the state final examination; however, it must occur no less than one month prior to the date of the examination.
Successful registration for a date of the state final examination is a necessary prerequisite for submission of your Qualifying Work.
If you register for a date of the state final examination and you fail to attend, an failed attempt will be entered for you. In such a case, you are entitled to one re-assessment attempt of the state final examination that must occur no later than within one year following the failed attempt (or earlier provided that your maximum duration of study or accreditation of your programme of study ends).
Only students who have registered for a date of the state final examination offered by the Departments in KOS may submit their Qualifying Works.
Submission procedure:
1. Students upload their completed Qualifying Works in KOS in a single PDF file on or before the submission date (the “Submission Date” or “Termín odevzdání”) that shall occur no less than one month prior to the date of the state final examination.
2. When uploading the Qualifying Work in KOS, at the latest, students shall also fill in the prescribed details: abstract and keywords, both in Czech, English and, if applicable, in another language in which the work has been written based on an exemption.
3. After the work had been uploaded and all compulsory details had been completed, students shall click on the “Potvrdit odevzdání (Confirm Submission)” button – this is the moment of submission of the work. This locks the form for the student.
4. Students shall hand over one printed and bound copy of the Qualifying Work on the date agreed with the Department to the Department. The physical copy must be identical with the submitted digital copy of the Qualifying Work. The format of the printed copy of the Qualifying Work is regulated in Dean’s Decree 5/2024 in Article 13 (8): [DAMU to enter according to the wording of the Decree - ]
After the Qualifying Work is submitted, KOS generates automatically a request for plagiarism check in the system. Information about the outcome of the check, including the option to download a report, is available to the student, the supervisor of the work, the opponent of the work, the Department and the Office of Academic Affairs (SO) in KOS.
After the Qualifying Work is submitted, KOS generates automatically a notice to the supervisor of the work and the opponent of the work requesting them to upload their assessments of the work and shall deliver the form designed for these purposes to them. The assessment forms are available here (supervisor) and here (opponent). The Department shall e-mail the Qualifying Work in PDF as well as the assessment form to external opponents or supervisors who do not use the school systems (e-mail, KOS) and the Department shall also provide them with assistance in uploading their assessments in KOS.
The supervisor and the opponent shall elaborate their assessments of the Qualifying Work pursuant to a pre-defined structure, on a prescribed form and in the language of the accreditation (they may also be written in Slovak if the work is also written in Slovak); they shall upload them in KOS no less than 3 days prior to the oral defence. If the assessment is made available later, students are entitled to request a new date of their state final examination prior the oral defence.
The assessments must state explicitly the grade and whether they recommend or do not recommend the Qualifying Work for oral defence and also the proposed grade. The Department shall assist external supervisors or opponents who are not active KOS users with uploading.
After the oral defence of the Qualifying Work, the Department shall enter the date of the oral defence, evaluation of the work and shall complete the report on the course of the oral defence, notwithstanding the result of the oral defence, in KOS within 5 business days, at the latest. The Department shall deliver the record of the course of the oral defence to the Office of Academic Affairs (Studijní oddělení) that shall file the record in the student’s file.
The oral defence of the Qualifying Work is always conducted in the language of the accreditation. This also applies if the work had been written in a different language on the basis of an exemption approved by the Dean.
After the oral defence, the Department shall deliver one physical copy of the Qualifying Work to the faculty’s library that is in charge of publication of the Qualifying Work in line with AMU internal guidelines, regardless of the result of the oral defence.
The library shall publish the text of the Qualifying Work and the text of the assessments from the supervisor and the opponent in the DSpace repository. Starting on 1 January 2024, works defended after 2016 are freely available via remote access electronically, without the need to log in using the AMU school login data.
Within 15 days following the oral defence of the Qualifying Work, students are entitled to submit, via the Office of Academic Affairs (Studijní oddělení), a file containing errata of the work, if any (containing corrections of typographic and similar minor errors). The faculty’s library shall publish this file along with the Qualifying Work and the assessments.
Assignment of the Qualifying Work – Departments submit the assignments to the Dean for approval on or before 15 January for and on behalf of all final-year students
Proceeding to the state final examination – This must occur within two years, at the latest, following the acquisition of the status of a student waiting to sit the state final examination; however, by the end of the maximum duration of study, at the latest
Registration for the date of the state final examination – Depending on the final date, no less than one month prior to the date of the state final examination; deregistration is possible on or before the same date
Submission of the Qualifying Work – On or before the date of submission that occurs usually one month prior to the date of the state final examination
Making assessments available in KOS – No less than 3 days prior to the date of the oral defence (state final examination)
Handing over the outcome of the oral defence to the Office of Academic Affairs (Studijní oddělení) – Within 5 days, at the latest, after the oral defence
Submission of corrections (errata) by students – Within 15 days, at the latest, after the oral defence
Publication of the Qualifying Work by DAMU library – Within 40 days, at the latest, after the oral defence
Re-assessment attempt date of the state final examination – Within one year, at the latest, following the failed attempt; by the end of the maximum duration of study, at the latest
Students who have already completed or who shall complete their obligations stipulated by their study plan no less than 3 days prior to the date of the state final examination, who have submitted their qualifying works on a proper date with all prescribed particulars and who have obtained the necessary number of credits are entitled to take their state final examination.
Students may take their state final examination within two years, at the latest, after having acquired the status of a student waiting for the SFE and, at the same time, by the end of the maximum duration of study, at the latest.
Prio to the state final examination, students shall submit a properly completed and signed Exit Card and return their AMU / ISIC card at the Office of Academic Affairs (Studijní oddělení).
We recommend students to verify that they have indeed completed all obligations stipulated by the study plan at the Office of Academic Affairs (Studijní oddělení) before they take the state final examination.
Students register for their state final examinations in KOS in the section titled State examinations --> Registration for final state examination on or before the final date for registrations that must occur no less than one month prior to the examination.
The Departments enter the dates of the state final examinations in KOS in line with the DAMU Academic Year Schedule. You can find their overview at the bottom of this page.
After you register for a date of the state final examination, KOS shall complete automatically also the date of submission of your Qualifying Work – usually, it is the same date as the final date for registration for the state final examination; however, it must occur no less than one month prior to the date of the examination.
Successful registration for a date of the state final examination is a necessary prerequisite for submission of your Qualifying Work.
If you register for a date of the state final examination and you fail to attend, a failed attempt will be entered for you. In such a case, you are entitled to one re-assessment attempt of the state final examination that must occur no later than within one year following the failed attempt (or earlier provided that your maximum duration of study or accreditation of your programme of study ends).
The state final examination shall be held before an examination committee appointed by the Dean and comprised of professors, associate professors and other experts approved by the faculty’s artistic council. The state final examination and the announcement of its results shall be public. A protocol of the state final examination shall be elaborated and signed by the chair and by all other members of the committee. The number of committee members must not be less than five. For the oral part of the state final examination, at least three members of the committee must be present.
State final examinations are graded on the scale “A, B, C, D, E, F”. The Examination Committee shall decide the overall assessment for the state final examination by vote in camera. For an overall grade of “A”, the graduate performance and the oral defence of the qualifying work or graduate performance, as the case may be, must have received a grade of “A”, and none of the component subjects may have received a grade lower than a “B”. If the student receives a grade of “F” in any part of the state final examination, the overall state final examination shall also receive the grade of “F”.
The oral part of the state final examination also includes an examination on the subjects set by the accreditation of the programme and the oral defence of the qualifying work or graduate performance, as the case may be, if this is part of the study plan. The relevant Departments publish detailed information about the contents of the state final examination in individual study programmes at their websites.
The oral defence of the Qualifying Work and the state final examination may be repeated only once, but no later than one year from the date of the failed oral defence or failed examination. The student shall repeat only those parts of the state final examination which received a grade of “F”. The graduate performance as part of the state final examination cannot be repeated.
Program nebo obor | Department | Odevzdání závěrečné práce | Státní zkouška | Note |
Drama, psychosomatics and authorship in pedagogy and social practice | Theatre Faculty Doctoral | to 01/25/2025 | 03/25/2025 | Max. počet přihlášených: 2 |
Drama, psychosomatics and authorship in pedagogy and social practice | Theatre Faculty Doctoral | to 01/25/2025 | 03/28/2025 | |
Drama in Education | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 04/25/2025 | 05/27/2025 | Na odevzdání diplomové práce se prosím domluvte s tajemnicí katedry |
Drama in Education | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 04/25/2025 | 05/27/2025 | Na odevzdání diplomové práce se prosím domluvte s tajemnicí katedry |
Acting of Alternative and Puppet Theatre | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 05/16/2025 | 06/16/2025 | Nejpozději do 16. 5. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát bakalářskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odborné sekretářce KALD. |
Direction - Dramaturgy of Alternative and Puppet Theatre | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 05/16/2025 | 06/16/2025 | Nejpozději do 16. 5. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát bakalářskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odborné sekretářce KALD. |
Stage Design in Alternative and Puppet Theatre | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 05/16/2025 | 06/16/2025 | Nejpozději do 16. 5. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát bakalářskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odborné sekretářce KALD. |
Alternative and Puppet Theatre | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 05/16/2025 | 06/18/2025 | Nejpozději do 16. 5. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát magisterskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odberné sekretářce KALD. |
Directing of Devised and Object Theatre | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 05/16/2025 | 06/18/2025 | Friday the 16th of May 2025 is the deadline to register for the final state exam at KOS, for submitting eligible Master´s thesis in the required format (the hardback copy of thesis) to Táňa Švehlová, secretary of the MA.DOT program, and for uploading thesis data file at KOS. |
Scenography | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 05/19/2025 | 06/19/2025 | |
Scenography - Costume and Mask | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 05/19/2025 | 06/19/2025 | |
Scenography - Production Design | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 05/19/2025 | 06/19/2025 | |
Scenography - Production Design | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 05/19/2025 | 06/19/2025 | |
Scenography - Theatre Scenography | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 05/19/2025 | 06/19/2025 | |
Scenography - Theatrical Scenography | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 05/19/2025 | 06/19/2025 | |
Drama in Education | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 05/23/2025 | 06/26/2025 | Na odevzdání diplomové práce se prosím domluvte s tajemnicí katedry |
Drama in Education | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 05/23/2025 | 06/26/2025 | Na odevzdání diplomové práce se prosím domluvte s tajemnicí katedry |
Drama in Education | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 06/27/2025 | 08/26/2025 | Na odevzdání diplomové práce se prosím domluvte s tajemnicí katedry |
Drama in Education | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 06/27/2025 | 08/26/2025 | Na odevzdání diplomové práce se prosím domluvte s tajemnicí katedry |
Drama in Education | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 06/27/2025 | 08/26/2025 | Na odevzdání diplomové práce se prosím domluvte s tajemnicí katedry |
Drama in Education | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 06/27/2025 | 08/26/2025 | Na odevzdání diplomové práce se prosím domluvte s tajemnicí katedry |
Acting of Alternative and Puppet Theatre | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 07/29/2025 | 09/08/2025 | Nejpozději do 29.7. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát bakalářskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odborné sekretářce KALD. |
Direction - Dramaturgy of Alternative and Puppet Theatre | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 07/29/2025 | 09/08/2025 | Nejpozději do 29.7. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát bakalářskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odborné sekretářce KALD. |
Stage Design in Alternative and Puppet Theatre | Theatre Faculty Bachelor | to 07/29/2025 | 09/08/2025 | Nejpozději do 29. 7. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát bakalářskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odborné sekretářce KALD. |
Alternative and Puppet Theatre | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 07/29/2025 | 09/10/2025 | Nejpozději do 29. 7. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát magisterskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odberné sekretářce KALD. |
Directing of Devised and Object Theatre | Theatre Faculty Continuing master | to 07/29/2025 | 09/10/2025 | Nejpozději do 29. 7. 2025 se přihlásit ke SZZ v KOSu, nahrát bakalářskou diplomovou práci do KOSu a odevzdat 1 výtisk diplomové práce Zdeňce Listoňové, odborné sekretářce KALD. |
Theatre faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
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MgA. Tereza Došlová
tel.: +420 736 149 000