Pursuant to Article 13, clause 4 of the Statutes of the Academy of the Performing Arts in Prague, the Dean of the Theatre Faculty (“DAMU” of the "Faculty") of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague ("AMU") is issuing this Decree within the confines of legislation and the internal regulations of AMU and the Faculty, to regulate the rules for study in accredited bachelor’s programmes and master’s programmes in accordance with the Attendance and Examination Regulations of AMU (the “AER”).
(a) the subject has not been taught; or
(b) the subject's timetable has been changed after the end of the period for registration of subjects; or
(c) if the student is unable to complete the subject for health reasons and this is documented by a medical report from a general practitioner or specialist.
Karel František Tománek
Dean of DAMU
4. October 2023
Theatre faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Karlova 26
116 65 Prague 1
Registered number: 61384984, VAT number: CZ61384984
Data box ID: ikwj9fx
Contact for media
MgA. Tereza Došlová
tel.: +420 736 149 000
e-mail: tereza.doslova@damu.cz