The Dean’s Decree of the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (“DAMU”) regulates the procedure for filing accommodation applications and the rules for allocation of accommodation places at the AMU Hradební Dormitory (the “Dormitory”) for students and applicants for study at DAMU (the “Applicant”).

Clause 1 
Opening provisions

A total of 33 accommodation places are available for DAMU and it reserves the right to determine the allocation of an accommodation place to applicants who have applied for an accommodation place in the prescribed manner. Applicants do not acquire any legal title to accommodation by filing their applications.

Clause 2 
Conditions for allocation of accommodation at the Dormitory

1.    Accommodation can only be assigned to an applicant who filed an accommodation application in a timely and proper manner.
2.    Priority in assigning accommodation shall be given to applicants who meet the following conditions:
a.    they are or will be registered for study in Bachelor’s, Master’s and follow-up Master’s degree study programmes in the upcoming academic year;
b.    they study or will study in full-time form of study in the upcoming academic year;
c.    in the academic year subject to the application, they will study in the standard duration of study.
d.    they have filed an electronic application for registration for the next academic year in the KOS information system (this does not apply to applicants for study)
3.    Only following the handling of applications from all applicants who have complied with all conditions pursuant to the preceding paragraph, accommodation can also be assigned to applicants studying in post-graduate study programmes, in combined form of study or those who have exceeded the standard study term (inter alia, waiting students).
4.    The proportion of accommodation places at the Dormitory assigned to applicants with Czech nationality and foreign nationals has been stipulated proportionately to the numbers of Czech and foreign students registered for study in the current academic year in Bachelor’s, Master’s and follow-up Masters’ study programmes in the full-time form of study as at 15 May. 
5.    No students with interrupted studies and waiting students are included in the proportion’s calculation basis. For the sake of clarity of the process of assessment of accommodation applications and assignment of any vacated places to substitutes, all applicants for accommodation shall be divided into 4 groups:
a.    those complying with conditions pursuant to para. 2 with Czech nationality;
b.    those complying with conditions pursuant to para. 2 with different nationality;
c.    those not complying with conditions pursuant to para. 2 with Czech nationality;
d.    those not complying with conditions pursuant to para. 2 with different nationality.

Clause 3
Assessment criteria for accommodation applications

1.    Accommodation applications shall be evaluated pursuant to the score obtained in the following criteria:
a.    Social scholarship granted for the current academic year…………………12 points
b.    Distance of residence in CR 100 km or more from Prague …………………1 point
c.    Distance of residence in CR 200 km or more from Prague …..................... 2 points
d.    Distance of residence in CR 300 km or more from Prague ……………...... 3 points
e.    Distance of residence in CR 400 km or more from Prague……………...... 4 points
f.    Commencing Year 1 of the first study at AMU in the upcoming academic year…………………………..…8 points
g.    Excellent learning outcomes (A, B – need not be the first attempt, Z for the last completed semester)  8 points
h.    Work for the benefit of the Faculty (recommendation by the department)……………………………………………………   2 points

Clause 4
Procedure for assignment of accommodation at the Dormitory

1.    The Study Department shall review and classify accommodation applications filed in a proper and timely manner into groups according to the conditions stipulated in Clause 2.
2.    The Study Department shall score the applications pursuant to the criteria set out in Clause 3 and rank them in each group.
3.    The Dormitory Board, composed of the Vice-dean Student and Pedagogical Affairs and Artistic Activity and the Faculty’s Secretary, shall adopt a decision on assignment of accommodation.
4.    If there is equality of points, the duration of the average commuting time using public transport from the place of permanent residence to Prague shall be the decisive factor.
5.    Following the decision on assignment of accommodation at the Dormitory, applicants shall be notified about whether they have been assigned accommodation at the Dormitory or not and the Study Department shall inform the head of the Dormitory.
6.    Applicants who are not assigned an accommodation place at the Dormitory shall remain included in the list of applicants for accommodation at the Dormitory as substitutes.
7.    Assignment of accommodation to applicants for study shall be subject to the final and unappelable decision on acceptance to study. If this condition is not met on or before the evaluation date, such applicant shall not be included in the list of substitutes.
8.    If an applicant who has been assigned accommodation at the Dormitory rejects the accommodation place, fails to commence accommodation at the Dormitory or fails to register for study within the period of time notified in a proper manner by the Faculty, his/her place shall be offered to the substitute applicant from the same group (pursuant to Clause 2).
9.    The dates and conditions for moving in of students to the Dormitory for the specific academic year are available at the AMU’s website. You can also view the accommodation contract at the website (

Clause 5 
Filing accommodation applications

1.    Applicants may file their accommodation applications at the Study Department since 15 May, in person during operating hours; alternatively, a scanned and signed accommodation application can also be e-mailed from their school e-mail address (for applicants for study, from their private address) to the e-mail address of the relevant clerk at the Study Department. Applications shall be registered by the DAMU’s Study Department into the list of applicants. The Study Department shall confirm the listing of the applicant via e-mail.
2.    Applications must be filed on the accommodation application prescribed form available from the DAMU’s Study Department or from the Faculty’s website.
3.    Applicants who have been nominated for admission to study (have received a certificate of successful completion of the entrance examination) and those who have yet to take the entrance examination may also apply for accommodation.
4.    Any application submitted after the deadline for the regular receipt of applications will be placed on the waiting list for substitute applicants for accommodation in the Dormitory.
5.    Documents proving fulfilment of the individual criteria listed in Clause 3 (1), in particular (for (a) proof of the award of the state social scholarship – a document of entitlement to a social scholarship from the Labour Office and (ad (h) work for the benefit of the Faculty need to be attached the application.
6.    Accommodation applications regular acceptance final date: 21 June. Applications received after this date will be placed on the substitutes list and will be accepted on a rolling basis.
7.    Notification of accommodation assignment: 25 June to 27 June.
8.    The DAMU’s Study Department shall distribute the confirmation of the assignment of accommodation in the Dormitory to the student's school e-mail address or to the applicant's private e-mail address.
9.    The above-mentioned contact details, documents and dates will be published at the DAMU’s website at, as well as on the bulletin boards of the DAMU’s Study Department and DAMU’s departments. 

Clause 6
Transitional and final provisions 

This Decree enters into force upon execution and into effect on 1 May 2024.This Decree abolishes Order of the Dean of DAMU 3/2019.

doc. MgA. Mgr. Karel František Tománek
Dean of DAMU

1. May 2024