The main research aim of the Institute is fulfilled within the project Interdisciplinary research of stage component interaction in puppet and alternative theatre and in theatre in special needs groups. Its basic principle is support of creative interaction between scholarly research, technological development and the field of contemporary alternative and puppet theatre and theatre in special needs groups. As a result, one can observe innovative, theoretical, methodological and applied progress with consequences beyond the borders of the theatre world.
The mission of the Institute is to research the interaction of stage components in the field of alternative and puppet theatre and to research theatre production in special needs groups.
In the field of original research into the interaction of stage components, the following corroborate the fact that it is necessary to use the term authorship differently when components interact: creative practice and a number of conferences, publications and workshops. The term is understood not only as the authorship of a text, play or libretto, but as the joint authorship of the whole production in all components and their parts; namely authorship in the true sense of the word, i.e. the original contribution and share in the whole work in mutual procedural, i.e. permanent influence. In addition to creative work, emphasis is placed on research into general and partial aspects of authorial and shared theatre and theatre production in special needs groups, with the aim of obtaining methodological lessons and partial summaries in the process of newly emerging development tendencies.
This Statute shall enter into force on the 1st of September, 2020.
In Prague, on the 27th of July, 2020
Mgr. MgA. Doubravka Svobodová
Dean of DAMU
The main research aim of the Institute is fulfilled within the project Interdisciplinary research of stage component interaction in puppet and alternative theatre and in theatre in special needs groups. Its basic principle is support of creative interaction between scholarly research, technological development and the field of contemporary alternative and puppet theatre and theatre in special needs groups. As a result, one can observe innovative, theoretical, methodological and applied progress with consequences beyond the borders of the theatre world.
The project includes theoretical, practical as well as experimental research work leading to acquisition and verification of the new findings, knowledge and skills necessary for progressive development in the field of alternative and puppet theatre and in theatre in special needs groups. This dynamic research (focused on theoretical, practical and experimental art production) also focuses on the means of presentation of the attained knowledge, in order to reach not only professionals in different segments of the fields but also the general public.
The creative systematic research activities of the project lead towards ongoing expansion of the state of knowledge, including integral knowledge about human beings, culture and society as such and search for new means of their application in artistic practice. They promptly react to the current trends of development and help stabilise the innovatively forming platform of alternative and puppet theatre and theatre in special needs groups, which is supported by interdisciplinary applied research and experimental development. The research goes beyond the borders of theatre art and covers a wide range of additional disciplines and fields (anthropology, sociology, psychology, cultural sociology, special education, history, traditional Czech puppetry and its legacy etc.). It is carried out by means of modern research methods and approaches, including the research of various ways of historical context, criticism and analysis. The focus of the research is not only academic data but primarily the defining of possible starting points based on field and practical work and an effort to modernise the aesthetics of the studied spheres of theatre production. The project includes three main sectors of research priorities.
Point 1.) The natural reflections on the current development of alternative theatre production serve to move the research towards a newly understood content of the term theatre production from the point of view of all the participating components – as a phenomenon of shared theatre where each of the initially independent components fully contributes to the creation of the theatre production in a mutual influencing relationship. With the current shape of stage activities, the interaction of stage components has reached a point in which all the participants – creators – have a share in the inception of the production or project. It is time to begin to individually and systematically explore the tangle of different directions and developments and through a mutual comparison search for more general postulates and regularities which influence the original stage components and modify them.
Point 2.) In the realm of puppet theatre, the project focuses on research into the history and traditions of Czech puppetry and inspirational ways of interacting with other forms of theatre production. It further studies the transformation of the cultural heritage in the context of artistic development. It follows and inspires the transformation of the puppet theatre in the current phases and forms of the development and reflects on how puppet theatre continues in the tradition of Czech puppetry registered on the Intangible UNESCO Cultural Heritage List.
Point 3.) Within the sphere of theatre in special needs groups, the research focuses on the concrete conditions of interaction of individual components over the course of realisation of integration projects, first and foremost the project Theatre in special needs groups which has been organized since 2001. The research is based on many years of practice in the field of artistic production with special needs groups as well as on the fundamental assumptions of theatre anthropology. The core of the artistic production and its research with a special needs group involves searching for means of creative expression of disabled people and their subsequent adaptation and integration into society by way of artistic creation. The effort is therefore to assist with their self-realization and individual growth. The integration aspect consists of expanding artistic work with a social and cultural context (even involving connecting groups of artists with disabilities and professional artists). The main aim of the research is a well-rounded artistic (theatre) production, which accentuates the actor’s movement, playing with puppet and alternative theatre principles while working with people with disabilities as well as articulates the generally applicable methodical findings. The project also focuses on expansion of the education of theatre professionals, who will be able to work with special needs groups of people with various handicaps. The study is organized within three optional subjects Directorial, dramaturgical and actor’s production in special needs group, Stage design creation in special needs group and Basics of special education and anthropology. (
The Institute for Research and Study of Alternative and Puppet Theatre and Theatre in Special Needs Groups was formed by transformation of the Research Department of KALD. The department was twice supported with a three year grant of GAČR (408/06/0114 and 409-12-1065), and since 2011 the project Interaction of stage components in puppet and alternative theatre has been regularly supported as part of the project competition of AMU academy from the institutional support for long-term conceptual development. The development project CSM3 Extension of expert education of AMU students with specialisation in theatre work in special needs groups was supported in 2014. Between 2018-2020, the project Research of artistic production in a specific integration group (with people with disabilities) – DG18P02OVV046 was supported by the MK ČR project of NAKI II – Programme for support of applied research and experimental development of national and cultural identity for the years 2016 to 2022 (NAKI II).
K. Šplíchalová, M. Klíma, V. Novák a kol. Tětivou snů: metodicko-etické principy divadelní tvorby ve specifických skupinách, 2020.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. O animaci: z různých stran současného loutkového divadla, 2019.
NOVÁK, V. a kol. Hnízdo pro duši – umělecká tvorba lidí s postižením, 2019. (Jedná se o kritický katalog ke stejnojmenné výstavě, která byla realizována v rámci projektu NAKI II Výzkum umělecké tvorby ve specifické integrační skupině.)
BLAŽEK, B. Divadlo v proměně civilizace, 2018.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce XI., 2018.
MIKEŠ, Vladimír. Proč hrát: k divadelní antropologii, 2017.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce X. – Modré stránky podruhé, 2017.
KLÍMA, Miloslav. O dramaturgii, 2016.
NOVÁK, V., ŠPLÍCHALOVÁ, K. Problematika režie a dramaturgie ve specifické divadelní skupině, 2016.
VOJTÍŠKOVÁ, Zuzana. Srovnání různorodých cest loutkového nastudování norské pohádky, 2016.
JIŘIČKA, Lukáš. Dobyvatelé akustických scén: Od radioartu k hudebnímu divadlu: Goebbels, Neuwirth, Ammer, Oehring, 2015.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce IX, 2015.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce VIII., 2014.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce 8 a půl – Modré stránky, 2014.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadelní osmdesátky a Studio Beseda, 2014.
RÝGROVÁ, Michaela. Udržitelné divadlo, 2014.
NOVÁK, V., ŠPLÍCHALOVÁ, K. Specifické divadlo, 2014.
MATÁSEK, Petr. Prostor, hmota, divadlo, 2013.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Studio Beseda – setkání režisérů, 2013.
VOJTÍŠKOVÁ, Z. (ed.). Živé dědictví loutkářství, 2013.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce VII., 2013.
NOVÁK, V. a kol. Divadelní tvorba ve specifických skupinách, 2013.
HAVELKA, Jiří. Zmrazit čerstvé ovoce, 2013.
ŠPLÍCHALOVÁ, Kateřina. Z pozůstalosti Jana Malíka, 2012.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce VI., 2012.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce V., 2011.
ADÁMEK, Jiří. Théâtre musical, 2010.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce IV., 2010.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce III., 2008.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce II., 2007.
KOČVAROVÁ-SCHARTOVÁ, M. (ed.). Erik Kolár, 2007.
MAKONJ, Karel. Vedené divadlo, 2007.
MAKONJ, Karel. Od loutky k objektu, 2007.
DVOŘÁK, J. a kol. Jan Schmid: režisér, principál, tvůrce slohu, 2006.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Divadlo a interakce, 2006.
TICHÝ, Z. A. Ivan Rajmont, 2005.
KLÍMA, M., MAKONJ, K. Josef Krofta: inscenační dílo, 2003.
DVOŘÁK, J. (ed.). Drak: Mezinárodní institut figurativního divadla, 2001.
KLÍMA, M. Jan Grossman – Post scriptum, 2001.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Jan Grossman – Texty o divadle 2, 2000.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Jan Grossman: texty o divadle 1, 1999.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Jan Grossman: interpretace, 1998.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Jan Grossman: inscenace, 1997.
KLÍMA, M. a kol. Jan Grossman: svědectví současníků, 1996.
DVOŘÁK, J. (ed.). Josef Krofta: Babylónská věž, 1993.
The results and outputs of activities are regularly presented at sympoziums, conferences, seminars, research workshops, festivals, etc.
Theatre faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Karlova 26
116 65 Prague 1
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Contact for media
MgA. Tereza Došlová
tel.: +420 736 149 000