Admission Procedures


The online application form can be found here.

Master Degree in Directing of Devised and Object Theatre / D.O.T

Applications for Academic Year 2025/2026

Application deadline:

15th of January 2025

Preliminary dates of auditions with selected candidates:

First round: 3rd of February 2025
Second round: 27th of February 2025

Applicant Requirements:

The programme is designed for applicants who have completed a bachelor's degree of any type. Due to the ever-expanding field of performative arts and their application in society as a whole, the field of the bachelor level of education of applicants for study is not limited in any way and previous experience with the performing arts is not required.

Students must demonstrate an appropriate level of spoken and written English for creative university study, interest in studying, ability of self-presentation and ability of presentation of the own artistic vision. 

Mandatory annexes to application and course of their delivery:

To participate in the first round of the entrance exams, the applicant must submit all the necessary documents and a completed application.  
All materials must be submitted in English (or must be translated into English). 
Applicants must submit the following specific annexes to an online application form: 

  • motivational letter, including the reasons why they have chosen the programme,
  • a written description of their envisioned master's Study Project, their intentions in the course of study, and vision of their future professional activities,
  • compilation of samples of their creative work in PDF format with links to audiovisual documentation and including detailed descriptions, reflection on, and photographic documentation of the works,
  • CV with headshot.

The annexes are to be delivered electronically to the online application. 

The course of the entrance examination:

a) Number of rounds: Entrance examinations consist of two rounds.

b) Time span:

  • 1st round – evaluation of submitted materials by committee, no presence of applicant required.
  • 2nd round – online auditions with selected applicants, around 1 hour per applicant.

c) Form of the entrance examination: Online audition in the 2nd round.

Content of the entrance examination and assessment criteria:  

1st round: 

The committee will evaluate the submitted materials without the applicant's personal participation. Mainly focus on the applicant's motivations for studying and previous creative work.

  • Motivational letter – maximum 10 points.
  • Envisiond Master Study Project – maximum 10 points.
  • Documentation of previous works – maximum 10 points.

The maximum number of points that can be obtained in 1st round is 30, and applicants who obtain at least 15 points will pass to 2nd round.

After successful pass to the second round, applicants will receive a task assignment, which they prepare and hand in before the second round. 

2nd round: 

The applicants receive another task assignment at the beginning of the 2nd round (before audition) and they have 30 minutes to complete it. This is followed by an online interview with the commission.

The conditions for successful completion of second round and assessment criteria, are based on the applicant’s demonstration of creative thinking, communication ability and artistic interpretation of the task. In the interview the comission will evaluate the degree of authenticity of the artistic intention of applicant.

  • Evaluation of task assigned after 1st round - maximum 20 points.
  • Interview - maximum 10 points.
  • Evaluation of task assigned during 2nd round - maximum 5 points.

The maximum number of points that can be obtained in 2nd round is 35, and applicants who obtain at least 20 points will be admitted for studies. 

The highest number of applicants accepted for study:

DAMU sets the maximum number of applicants admitted to study in this study programme. The number of applicants admitted to the programme may be lower than the maximum number if the number of applicants who have fulfilled the admission requirements is lower. If a larger number of applicants meet the admission requirements, applicants up to the highest number will be admitted in order of preference.

Maximum number of applicants admitted to this study programme: 6

Medical fitness: 

Not required for admission to this study program. 
