Monday – Thursday: 10-17 h
Friday 10-14 h
The reading room is open.
We prefer individual visits with an order via the online library system, or by e-mail.
Karlova 26, Prague 1
Telephone numbers:
Lending desk: 234 244 213
Head: 234 244 228
The DAMU Library provides services chiefly to AMU students and teachers, although it is also accessible to the public according to its capacity and the rules stated in the Library and Lending Rules and their relevant Addenda.
Those interested (AMU teachers and students) in borrowing for use outside the library can register in each AMU faculty library. All they need is an AMU identity card. They will then be allocated a user category which specifies their particular rights. Registration is free of charge.
On registering the user must be acquainted with the Library and Lending Rules and their Addenda.
In some cases a security deposit is required for documents.
Lending outside the library (only for registered users)
- books, scripts
In-library study: (for every user according to capacity)
- CD, MC, CD ROMs, videocassettes, DVD, magazines, newspapers, qualifications work, encyclopaedias, dictionaries and other books (including from the reference collection)
Other services:
reference, information, information on internal and external information resources per subject: consultation, research, bibliographies and annotations
Possibility to work independently with computer technology – only AMU students and employees have access to the network.
Sale of scripts:
In the library only for AMU students and teachers.
Other people should contact the AMU Publishing House.
Knihovní rada byla jmenovaná 1. září 2024.
Theatre faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Karlova 26
116 65 Prague 1
Registered number: 61384984, VAT number: CZ61384984
Data box ID: ikwj9fx
Contact for media
MgA. Tereza Došlová
tel.: +420 736 149 000