Present (without titles): Jiří Adámek (from 16:20), Roman Černík, Doubravka Dostálová, Eliška Drbohlavová, Cyril Janeček, Hana Malaníková, David Mírek, Filip Novák (online), Karolina Plicková 

Excused (without titles): Anastázie Dobrodinská, Marta Ljubková, Tomáš Pavelka, Kateřina Štefková

Guests present (without titles): Karel František Tománek (Dean of DAMU), Michal Somoš (Vice Dean of DAMU, online from 17:10), Jan Sedláček (Secretary of DAMU), Daniela Jobertová

Minutes (without titles): Eliška Přichystalová

Number of Senators and Senators present: 8
Majority of members present: 5

At the beginning Karolina Plicková, Chairperson of the AS DAMU, welcomed the attendees, introduced them to the agenda and invited them to add any additional items. 


1. Medium-term outlook for the development of DAMU - presented by the Dean of DAMU
2. Presentation of the forthcoming PuppArts study programme - presented by Prod. Michal Somoš
3. Miscellaneous

The Chair proposed one more item that she would like to include ad hoc at the beginning of the meeting, namely the Request to the Rector of AMU for a report on the current status of the process of appointment of the Dean of DAMU. After a brief presentation of the content of this item, the Chair invited those present to vote by acclamation on the amended version of the agenda.

Agenda - supplemented version:

1. Request to the Rector of AMU for a report on the current status of the process of appointing the Dean of DAMU - presented by Karolina Plicková
2. Medium-term outlook for the development of DAMU - presented by the Dean of DAMU
3.    Presentation of the upcoming PuppArts study programme - submitted by prod. Michal Somoš
4. Miscellaneous

Voting on the programme:

For 8
Against 0
Abstentions 0

All Senators and Senators present and those joining the meeting agreed to the agenda as presented.

1. Request to the Rector of AMU for a report on the current status of the appointment process of the Dean of DAMU

K. Plicková recapped that the election of the Dean* of DAMU for the term 2025-2029 took place on Friday 18.10.2024. On Monday 21.10.2024 a proposal for the appointment of the elected candidate as Dean was submitted to the Rector of AMU by e-mail, the proposal was received with the appropriate attachments. All documents were also sent to the Rector in paper form. The AS DAMU Chairperson received a reply the same day, in which the Rector confirmed receipt. Since then, more than a month has passed, the DAMU AO membership has raised questions about the progress of the appointment process and the Senate has not yet had any new news about how the process of appointing the Dean is proceeding, what the follow-up steps are and in what timeframe they will be implemented. K. Plick recalled that at the October 18 election meeting itself, senators and senators appreciated the fact that the election was being held with enough time in advance to allow everyone involved to prepare for the new situation in a calm manner. For purely practical reasons, she said it would be good to ask the Rector to report on the current state of the nomination process and what steps we can expect and in what timeframe. K. Plick suggested the wording of the resolution.

R. Cernik and H. Malaníková suggested minor modifications, K. Plicková incorporated them into the text and the Senate proceeded to vote on the resolution as amended:

Resolution: Since the confirmation of the acceptance of this proposal by the Rector of AMU, the AS DAMU has no further information on the status of the appointment process. It is important to us that the processes run smoothly and that we can keep the DAMU AO informed about their status. We therefore invite the Rector of AMU to share with us information on the timetable of the next steps leading to the appointment of the Dean of DAMU.

For 7
Against 0
Abstentions 1

The resolution was adopted.
K. Plicková promised to send the text of the resolution to the Rector the same day.

//After the meeting, the Rector replied that she would inform the DAMU AS about the timetable by the end of next week and the appointment of the Dean of DAMU was scheduled for the beginning of 2025 after the formal check of all documents.

2. Medium-term outlook for the development of DAMU - submitted by the Dean of DAMU

The Dean of the DAMU made an introductory speech and then handed over the floor to the Secretary.

Secretary J. Sedláček explained the principles of the medium-term outlook of DAMU for the period 2025-2027, including the DISK, and introduced the structure of the document and its purpose. Members of the DAMU AS received the documents in advance. The materials are available for the academic community here.

These were:
1. Medium-term outlook 2024 for the years 2025 to 2027 DAMU
2. Medium-term outlook 2024 for the years 2025 to 2027 DISK

J. Adamek came to the meeting at 4:20 pm.

The Secretary stated that DAMU has healthy funds, i.e., with reasonable positive balances - if we have healthy funds, we can think about the future. He explained the creation and purpose of each type of fund. These are the Working Capital Fund (WCF), the Fixed Assets Replacement Fund (FRIM) and the Remuneration Fund (FO). The Scholarship Fund is not part of DAMU's medium-term outlook, but its positive balance (the highest in the inter-faculty comparison at AMU) allows to increase all types of scholarships this year, most of all social scholarships. He also stated that the medium-term outlook form does not include European infrastructure projects, which are a multiply higher resource (more than CZK 80 million for DAMU) than traditional programme funding.

An example of the use of the funds is the elevator installation, which is co-financed from own resources, namely the positive economic result from additional activities after tax, which is transferred to the FRIM. The Secretary stated that the long-term stability of the income from ancillary activities (in particular rental income) allows stability for the development of the infrastructure without interfering with the funds for salary costs.

He outlined the operation of working capital funds in the departments. These were established in individual departments two years ago after discussion. They allow departments to manage time and use funds efficiently. 

He cited the creation of the DAMU Development Fund as an example of a working capital fund with a purpose at the Dean's Office level. For the third year, a reserve is being created from the educational activities allowance as part of the approval of the DAMU allocation to facilitate the implementation of the LAD.LA study programme in 2025. DAMU is preparing specific facilities in connection with this study programme. Negotiations with the director of Dejvice Theatre Lukáš Průdek are currently being finalised and preparations for the Galaxie space are underway. It is an artistic hub that tries to conceptually grasp the Dejvice Theatre. On the part of DAMU there will have to be an initial investment of up to 300/500 thousand CZK. CZK.

The Secretary spoke about the parameters of the elevator in the Řetězová building (one of the investment projects). The size of the elevator shaft and the elevator car is limited by the structural design, which must respect the statics of the building and the limitations resulting from the protection of the value of the historic building. In addition to its standard operational use, the lift serves persons with reduced mobility according to Decree 398/2006 Coll:
- with mobility
- visual
- hearing impaired
- mental disabilities
- persons of advanced age
- pregnant women
- persons accompanying a child in a pram
- or a child under three years of age

The entrance to the lift is 70 cm wide. The width of the car is 84 cm and the length/depth is 120 cm. The width of an average wheelchair is 65 centimetres. The elevator is not fully wheelchair accessible (which is almost nonexistent at AMU). The interior of the elevator car was consulted with a building accessibility specialist.  Should there be a need to expand capacity for larger wheelchairs, it will be necessary to return to the platform that was removed several years ago due to technological/technical obsolescence. There is no other option for a technical solution.

Air conditioning units are systematically renewed (due to technological obsolescence) and HVAC or air conditioning units are installed in new rooms. This year the sound studio and the KS are being solved. In the following period, the air conditioning in Haller Hall, in selected rooms of the KVD, KTK and KČD is being addressed. For hygiene reasons and to prevent damage to the air conditioning, protective nets are gradually being installed in the courtyards.
The façade of the entire DAMU building is being repaired, which will be divided into three phases.  The first phase (project before finalization) will be the facade of the Řetězová tract, followed by the roof of ds DISK and the spaces in the ds DISK courtyard, then the facade in Karlova Street. 

Examples of other actions for which funds have been raised:
- renewal of IT equipment for the transition to the new version of Windows
- Centre for PhD students at the Market Place (already tendered in 2024 but cancelled - reasons communicated internally)
- data storage for audio-video recordings
- Building alterations - e.g. separate entrance to R308, splitting up the woodwork room for laser room etc.
- further purchases of lighting equipment
- economically advantageous environmental costs (replacement of heating elements) etc.

A major action for the coming period is the systematic introduction of security infrastructure at DAMU, for which DAMU has CZK 10 million available. This includes three areas: security elements for emergency situations (e.g. shooting attacks), an electronic fire protection system (EPS) and the strengthening of the electrical and data network as a prerequisite for the installation of security elements or as an integral part of it. Security features in the first area were discussed with departmental representatives during tours of DAMU buildings. The Secretary outlined the specific types of measures and their effectiveness, and spoke about ongoing discussions with the security expert or communication with the Police. A discussion with the Senators was developed (the specifics of the Art School were discussed as well as the necessity of the individual measures and how and at what levels they are discussed). 

At 4:55 p.m., K. Täubelová.

D. Jobert stated that safety training for students and teachers and all male and female staff is also key.

The Registrar stated that in addition to the mentioned training for learners and male and female staff, a DAMU crisis team drill had taken place, based on which some security infrastructure measures had been adjusted.

At 5:03 p.m., F. Novak excused himself and left online.
At 17:08, D. Novák excused herself. Jobert and left the meeting.
At 17:11, Vice-Dean M. Somoš came online.

C. Janeček opened the discussion on the possible fixed establishment of a chill-out zone for students. Such a zone is needed and is still missing at the faculty. He suggested to consider the Small Ballroom, which, according to him, is educationally disadvantageous and, judging by the data on its occupancy available online, it is often empty. E. Přichystalová supported his proposal; the possibility of a temporary chill-out zone in the Small Dance Hall is being addressed in preparation for the NADAMU festival to be held at the Faculty in February 2025. 
The Secretary stated that the Large Ballroom, which is located above the Small Ballroom, introduces acoustic noise that is carried by the structures. The only technical solution is to replace the historic beams with modern construction, but this is not possible at this time due to the historic preservation value of the building. In general, the discussion about the use of the space for teaching is a matter for the academic management. 

C. Janecek inquired about soundproofing options. H. Malaníková said that for KATAP the Small Dance Hall was a key teaching space, which made it possible to build a timetable in an otherwise crowded building - however, she said that this is currently changing, we have Unitaria, but again it cannot be counted on indefinitely, which brings some risk. 

The Secretary said that the spaces in both Unitaria and Theatre On the Balustrade are being used on short-term leases due to the great helpfulness of both organisations. However, this is a time limited tenancy. In general, DAMU's priority is to acquire new spaces for teaching, not to get rid of them, even if they are not ideal. Some teaching activities can be carried out in both halls simultaneously. A permanent solution to the space shortage situation is to acquire a new suitable property.

H. Malaníková wondered whether it would be possible to somehow combine the function of the teaching space with that of a chill-out zone in the Small Dance Hall. 
D. Mírek supported the idea of looking for a chill-out space and suggested pursuing it in the future. 
K. Plick asked if the noise from the Large Ballroom interferes with the activity in the Small Ballroom (which might not be a complete hindrance to setting up a chill-out zone in the Small Ballroom), whether the noise from the Small Ballroom also interferes with the teaching in the Large Ballroom. She added that if a chill-out zone was set up in the Small Hall, there should not be significant noise from there that would disturb the teaching on the floor above; therefore, the chill-out zone itself would not disturb anyone. C. Janeček supported the idea of combining different functions of the space and suggested to test the functioning of the chill-out zone in the Small Dance Hall at the NADAMU festival and then to try to look for possibilities of keeping this zone in the same space permanently. He also added that the zone would not only be reserved for students but also for teachers. J. Adámek conveyed M. Ljubková's opinion that the lecturers need a study room with appropriate conditions rather than a relaxation room. K. Plicková asked for comments from Vice-Dean M. Somoš.  M. Somoš stated that in the past the implementation of a work/rest area in the Small Ballroom had not been implemented, although the questionnaire showed this option as the most desirable. The reason was that more departments, especially the CCD, did not want to give up teaching space. The small ballroom is used more for rehearsals, so it may appear from the system that it tends to be empty.

At 5:26 p.m., R. Cernik, Dean K. F. Tomanek and Secretary J. Sedlacek excused themselves and left the meeting.

K. Plicková proposed the wording of the resolution and the Senators proceeded to vote.

Resolution: AS DAMU has discussed the draft medium-term outlook for the financing of DAMU and DISK for the years 2025-2027 and adopts a favourable opinion on it.


For 7
Against 0
Abstentions 0

The resolution was adopted.
K. Plicková promised to forward the resolution to the Dean the same day so that the item could be discussed at the College in time to organize it.

At approximately 5:35 p.m., H. Malaniková excused herself and left the meeting.
The Senate no longer has a quorum (only 6 members are present and a minimum of 7 members are required to pass a resolution).

3. Presentation of the upcoming PuppArts study program - presented by Prod. Michal Somoš

K. Plicková asked vice-dean M. Somoš and the intended future sponsor of the upcoming PuppArts degree program, K. Täubelová to give an introduction to the substantive plan of the programme. M. Somoš stated that this study programme is not a complete novelty, but it follows the efforts of the international puppetry programme PuppeTry, which had already admitted students in 2020, but was eventually cancelled due to several serious reasons (Covid and changes in the Budapest SZFE). DAMU was a partner and consortium member in the PuppeTry programme. Now it is the main coordinator of the PuppArts study programme. K. Plicková summarized that now the Senate has a substantive plan in front of them and in about a year the accreditation file should come up for discussion, which M. Somoš confirmed. K. Täubelová wondered if the members of the Senate had any questions about the substantive plan, given that they had been able to read it in advance (the document is available for the academic community here). 

D. Mírek asked in which teaching spaces the programme would be implemented, whether in existing or external ones. He was also interested in the funding of the programme.
M. Somos responded that we plan to apply for a grant from Erasmus - for five generations of learners. There will always be a total of nine learners in each year, not all of whom will be in Prague at the same time each semester. If the grant is not received, tuition will be worked with according to cost. Space costs are rather irregular, and teaching (practical) will be done in blocks. Two to three times per semester it is possible that Beroun will be used for a five-day workshop - at the same time it is essential to connect the foreign students with others directly at DAMU, therefore it is envisaged to use mostly the premises in Prague.
E. Drbohlavová asked according to which criteria the students will be able to choose which of the participating schools they will go to in the fourth semester to realize their graduation project. M. Somoš stated that we are counting on the fact that in the three previous semesters the students will have had experience working at all schools. The plan is to actively discuss this matter with the learners from the first semester and prepare them for it. Learners' preference is also likely to be influenced by how intensive the networking they achieve at specific schools. For us, we would like to significantly network learners with our other learners, e.g. through joint compulsory electives and with learners from English programmes. Decisions about which school to choose for a graduate project will be made on the basis of artistic intent and the specific project.

D. Mírek sees the substantive intent of the new degree program as a confident vision that he believes belongs at the school - it allows us to compare ourselves to other schools.
K. Plicková said that she is curious to see how the programme will work in practice. She added that she thinks that contemporary young Czech puppetry is very progressive and that she is interested to see what specific practices and tendencies will emerge in the programme, both at home and in foreign schools, and what findings about the position of Czech puppet and object theatre practice the new programme may bring. 
M. Somoš responded that the work on this project breaks down myths and brings schools closer together. It brings them closer to each other. We meet, we go to our classes. We are naming the strengths of all the partners on the level and we are composing the curriculum according to these conversations. In the past, that wasn't the case. 
K. Täubelová said that the programme is also a challenge for teachers, who can share their specific practices and learn from each other. 

C. Janeček said that the programme is quite tied to the number of learners and asked how the possibility that some learners do not complete the programme and thus complicate the whole system is dealt with.
M. Somoš responded that we do not have a clear scenario yet, but we will look into it. Thanks to the scholarship and the challenging entrance exams, this risk could be small. 
K. Täubel added that the number of nine students is ideal at the moment to divide them into three groups of three to work together on a graduate project, but we foresee that other options may arise. We will be in contact with the learners to discuss this issue. The possibility of collaboration with other learners in our English programmes is also in play. 

K. Plicková stated that the Senate does not have a quorum at this time and therefore a resolution cannot be passed, however, she suggested to those present if they could at least agree to the following wording:

At its meeting today, the AS DAMU discussed the substantive plan for the upcoming SP PuppArts and without objection moves it forward for further consideration.

The Senators and Senators present expressed their consent.
K. Plicková thanked the guest and the guest for attending.

4. Others

Those present agreed to open the December meeting to take inventory of topics that are relevant to the current Senate and that Senate members would like to address in the coming year. This will be a sort of look back at the Senate's actions to date as well as a look forward to the future.

The Chair of the AS DAMU thanked those present for their active participation and invited them to the next meeting, which is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. in the DAMU meeting room. 

1. Medium-term outlook 2024 for the years 2025 to 2027 DAMU
2. Medium-term outlook 2024 for the years 2025 to 2027 DISK
3. SP PuppArts material plan

Written by: Eliška Přichystalová

The minutes of item 2 were revised by the Secretary, J. Sedlacek.
The minutes of item 3 were revised by K. Täubelová and M. Somoš.

Approved by: Karolina Plicková, President of the AS DAMU, v.r.

5. December 2024