Pedagogical Chamber: doc. MgA. Jiří Adámek, Ph.D., MgA. et MgA. Lukáš Brychta, Ph.D.; MgA. Mgr. Marta Ljubková (16:15); MgA. Hana Malaníková, Ph.D., MgA. David Mírek (from 16:00 online, 16:40), Ph.D.; Mgr. Karolina Plicková, Ph.D.; Mgr. Kateřina Štefková
Student Chamber: Doubravka Dostálová; Cyril Janeček; BcA. Filip Novák
Excused: MgA. Roman Černík, Eliška Drbohlavová, Anastázie Dobrodinská
Minutes taken by: Eliška Přichystalová
Guests present: doc. MgA. Mgr. Mgr. Karel František Tománek, Dean of DAMU; Mgr. Michal Somoš, Vice Dean of DAMU (16:40); Mgr. Bc. Jan Sedláček, Ph.D., Secretary of DAMU; MgA. Viktorie Schmoranzová, Ph.D.; doc. Jitka Goriaux, Ph.D.; BcA. Jan-Jakub Šenkeřík
Guests online: MgA. Tereza Došlová
At the beginning, Dr. Plicková, Chair of the AS DAMU, welcomed the attendees, introduced them to the agenda and proposed to include item No. 5, which arose urgently (the received documents were sent to the members of the AS DAMU before the meeting). She called for possible addition of other items. No additional suggestions were made. The quorum of the Senate was checked - the Senate was quorate.
Dr. Plicková then called for an acclamation vote on the agenda.
Vote on the agenda:
For 9
Against 0
Abstentions 0
All Senators present and online expressed their approval of the agenda as presented.
The Chair of the AS DAMU presented the draft timetable for the election of the Dean of DAMU and informed the attendees about the preparations for the event so far. The election is scheduled for October 10, 2024, first there will be a meeting of the Academic Community of DAMU in DISK, then the Senate will move to the meeting where the secret ballot election of the Dean of DAMU will be held. The schedule is set in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the AS DAMU.
BcA. Novák asked if the Senate and/or faculty have the resources to intensively inform the academic community and to translate the concepts and other related materials into English. Dr. Plicková added that the deadline to receive proposals for candidates will be September 2, 2024 and the deadline to receive concepts two weeks after that. MgA. Došlová said that the academic community will be informed, a special subpage will be created on the Senate website, which will be in both Czech and English. Doc. Adámek stated that the awareness of the recent DAMU AS elections was good. MgA. Došlová assured the attendees that DAMU PR is available. MgA. Ljubková came to the meeting.
Dr. Malaníková asked if there was sufficient information available on who can nominate candidates and in what form. Dr. Plicková stated that all information is available in the Rules of Procedure of the AS DAMU. The Dean of DAMU assured the attendees that after the approval of the resolution announcing the election, e-mail communication will be used to inform the academic community about the means of submitting proposals for candidates.
Dr. Mírek asked if the resolution included the date that the new dean’s term begins. Dr. Plicková stated that the current dean's term ends March 14, 2025. The date the new term begins is not part of the resolution - she added that she based the wording on the resolution announcing the 2020 election, which also did not include that date. She presented the draft resolution wording and called for a vote.
On Friday, October 18, 2024 at 16:00, the Chairwoman of the AS DAMU will convene a meeting of the Academic Community of DAMU at the DISK Theatre, Karlova 223/26, Prague 1, at which the candidates will present themselves and their concepts and answer questions from the members of the Academic Community of DAMU. On the same day, October 18, 2024, the AS DAMU will deliberate on the proposal for the appointment of the Dean of DAMU.
For 10
Against 0
Abstentions 0
Dr. Plicková invited the Dean of DAMU to briefly present the Annual Report on the Activities and Management of DAMU for the year 2023. The report and its twelve annexes were received by the members of the DAMU AS in advance. The materials are available for the academic community here. The Dean stated that he considered the submitted material to be representative. Dr. Plicková asked the members of the Senate for any comments on the relevant sections and appendices.
MgA. Ljubková stated that she was surprised by the data on the academic mortality of PhD students, which is high (50%); i.e., a full half of PhD students do not complete their studies. Something needs to be done about this. She added that this problem does not belong in this debate but opens the topic for further debates in the future. She said that the activity of the different institutes within the faculty is not entirely legible. She felt that the annual report is well done.
Assoc. Prof. Adámek confirmed the clarity and readability of the report and added that it is fascinating how the activity within DAMU is constantly swelling. He assessed that a number of materials and tools had been developed in terms of care for students (ombudsman, psychological support, support for students with specific needs, etc.) and asked how students could access this information or whether lecturers themselves should inform them about the tools.
Dr. Malaníková focused on appendix No. 11 and raised a question on the topic of evaluation of study programmes by students. She wondered what conclusions had been reached by the relevant working group and what the future plans were in this regard.
MgA. Ljubková expressed surprise at the formulation that the working group (of which she was a member) had suspended its activities due to lack of time. She said that she had only found out about this from the document submitted. Assoc. Prof. Goriaux confirmed that she had only found out about the end of the group's activities (of which she was also a member) from this document.
Mgr. Štefková stated that she had been a supporter of the activities of the DAMU Library under the previous administration, and that the same is true under the current administration, and appealed to the academic community to bring tips for new acquisitions to the library.
C. Janeček wondered how the scholarship fund works and asked to what extent the DAMU AS can influence the actual sums of scholarships (which are quite low in his opinion) and whether we will discuss them in the DAMU budget discussion. Does the scholarship fund grow proportionally with the number of students? (Dr. Schmoranzová came to the meeting.) Dr. Sedláček responded that DAMU has the highest scholarship fund of all AMU faculties and the scholarship committee tries to increase the funds every year (the names of the awarded students are published).
Dr. Plicková and BcA. Novák appreciated the Report on the Ombudsman's activities (Appendix 12), according to BcA. Novák, it is the most user-friendly material ever. Dr. Malaníková said that she was asked by the Ombudsman Petr Polák to convey to the Senate a request to pay attention to his annual report and to reflect whether the proposals are implemented - those present agreed that it would be good to invite the Ombudsman to a dialogue in the future. BcA. Novák urged that the internationalization of the faculty be gradually extended to other bodies, including the Senate.
Dr. Mírek appreciated the preparation of the annual report on the DAMU's management, in which there was nothing alarming and on which he had no further comments.
Resolution: the AS DAMU approves the Annual Report on the Activities and Management of DAMU for the year 2023 in the submitted form and appreciates the quality of its preparation.
For 10
Against 0
Abstentions 0
Dr. Plicková started by clarifying that the DAMU AS does not de facto approve the appointment of Vice-Deans, but according to the DAMU Statute, Article 6, paragraph 7, the DAMU AS expresses its opinion on the Dean's proposal.
The Dean presented his nominations for the positions of Vice-Dean for Science and Research and Vice-Dean for Academic and Pedagogical Affairs and Artistic Activities. In view of the announced termination of employment at AMU by the two current Vice-Deans, the Dean proposes the following as new Vice-Deans and also as new members of the DAMU UR:
MgA. et MgA. Lukáš Brychta, Ph.D., whom he proposes as a replacement as Vice-Dean for Science and Research from August 1, 2024 for Assoc. Prof. Alice Koubová, who has terminated her employment at AMU as of July 31, 2024,
and doc. MgA. Vladimír Novák, Ph.D., whom he proposes for the position of Vice-Dean for Academic and Pedagogical Affairs and Artistic Activities in place of Mgr. Michal Somoš, who will terminate his employment at AMU as of December 31, 2024.
The Dean appreciated doc. Koubová and Mgr. Somoš. (Dr. Mírek joined the sitting physically.) The Dean further stated that if he was nominated as a candidate for Dean for the 2025-2029 term, his vision would be linked to the names of the two incoming Associate Deans.
Dr. Brychta thanked for the confidence placed in him, acknowledged the work of Assoc. Prof. Koubová and stated that he would like to continue in the direction that Assoc. Prof. Koubová has set. He also added that the act of accepting the position of Vice Dean terminates the possibility of being a member of the AS DAMU, so he would leave the Senate as of August 1, 2024.
MgA. Ljubková pointed out the fact that the senior positions within the DAMU management are, with minor exceptions, predominantly held by men, and opened a discussion on the topic of the representation of women in senior positions at the faculty. She added that she respected both nominees. Dr. Mírek responded that he had received a letter from Assoc. Prof. Jobertová with an analysis of the representation of women in the context of the three faculties of AMU and according to this analysis, DAMU is the best in this respect. BcA. Novák asked the Dean to comment on this topic as a member of the Equal Opportunities Group (AMU). He also stated that he felt the inclination of the Vice-Deans towards one department from which they come. Dr. Brychta responded that although he graduated from KALD, among others, he is now working at KTK. Dr. Mírek responded that the fact that the candidate comes from KTK seems to him to be appropriate for the position of Vice Dean for Research. Dr. Malaníková argued that what is important for this position is especially expertise and previous experience. (Mgr. Somoš arrived at the meeting.)
The Dean stated that he had thought about the gender issue and would strive for diversity during the application process for the position of Dean. His perception is that the new vice deans are from different departments (Dr. Brychta from KTK, Assoc. Prof. Novak from KALD) and in selecting a third person for the vice dean position, he will vote for somebody from a different department, probably a woman, if one is interested.
Dr. Plicková suggested that the topic of equal opportunities should be opened in the Senate in the future, also in the context of conditions for returning after parental leave, etc., it is a more complex topic. She added that she thought Dr. Brychta, who was present, was an excellent candidate. Dr. Malaníková said that it was not about quotas, but about the institution's interest in promoting this equality. Doc. Adámek argued that he did not see why there should be such a large number of men on the Artistic Council (that is why the AS DAMU also commented on this disproportion at its 2nd meeting on April 2, 2024). At the same time, he believes that the situation for candidates for the position of Vice-Dean is different and specific in some ways; it may be difficult to find suitable female candidates. Dr. Brychta stated that he would, of course, be happy if Assoc. Prof. Koubová would continue in her position. BcA. Dostálová assured him that this was not a debate on a personal level.
Resolution: The AS DAMU approves the suggestion of the Dean to nominate MgA. Et MgA Lukáš Brychta, PhD. As vice dean for Research from August 1, 2024 and Assoc. Prof. MgA. Vladimír Novák, Ph.D. as Vice-Dean for Academic and Pedagogical Affairs and Artistic Activities from January 1, 2025.
For 9
Against 0
Abstentions 1
The Dean presented his nominations for new members of the DAMU UR. He stated that the nominations reflect, among other things, the desire to establish closer cooperation with other art universities.
He proposed:
Dr. Brychta and Assoc. Prof. Novák,
Vice-rector of Pedagogical Affairs at the AVU MgA. Jana Bernartová, Ph.D., who will replace Mgr. Art. art. Maja Hriešik, Ph.D., who has requested to be released from UR DAMU due to her workload, director doc. Marián Amsler, Art.D, who will also work as a teacher at KČD DAMU from the next academic year, which will allow UR DAMU to have regular contact with the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, and Mgr. et. Mgr. Bc. Amália Bulandrová, who works simultaneously at UMPRUM (Centre for Art and Ecology, Studio of Free Creation) and at Masaryk University, Department of Theatre Studies (Centre for Performativity Research).
Doc. Goriaux stated that it would be good to consider whether there should be an actor in the UR DAMU. The Dean responded that this is a great suggestion.
The AS DAMU approves the Dean's proposal to appoint MgA. et MgA. Lukáš Brychta, Ph.D., doc. MgA. Vladimír Novák, Ph.D., MgA. Jana Bernartová, Ph.D., doc. Marián Amsler, Art.D, and Mgr. et. Mgr. Bc. Amália Bulandrová.
For 9
Against 0
Abstentions 1
Assoc. Prof. Goriaux and MgA. Došlová left the meeting.
The Dean presented the role of the Disciplinary Committee of DAMU, its functioning and selection of members. Since the two-year term of the current members of the Commission has ended, he proposed to the Senate its new composition. The candidates were nominated on the proposal of the heads of the relevant departments and expressed their consent to their candidacy.
The proposed membership from among the teaching staff:
Assoc. MgA. Eva Salzmannová (KČD)
Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Radek Marušák (KVD)
Proposed student membership:
BcA. Michal Sikora (KALD)
Barbora Wortnerová (KATAP)
The term of office starts on July 1, 2024 and is two years.
The AS DAMU approves the nomination of the following new members of the Disciplinary Committee: Assoc. Prof. MgA. Eva Salzmannová, Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Radek Marušák, BcA. Michal Sikora and Barbara Wortnerová.
For 10
Against 0
Abstentions 0
Vice Dean Somoš commented on the submitted proposal to amend the Statute of DAMU, which is based on the results of last year's discussion on ds DISK and also on the results of the Internal Evaluation of ds DISK. The aim of the modification is to describe more precisely the mission and function of the DISK for DAMU and to introduce some mechanisms that will help to support projects more effectively, help to improve capacity planning and clearer naming of the competences in the DISK. Together with the amendment of the DAMU Statutes, an update of the DISK Operating Regulations is also in preparation and has already been discussed and approved by the DISK Council. Vice Dean Somos suggested that he would be happy to provide more context. Dr. Schmoranzová, Director of ds DISK, was invited to the meeting. The Vice Dean prepared the draft amendment together with her.
Vice Dean Somoš explained that the draft amendment mainly concerns Article 14. The operation of ds DISK is distributed in the documents Statutes of DAMU and Operating Rules of ds DISK. The proposed change consists mainly in the fact that the AS DAMU gives up the approval of the Operating Rules of ds DISK, which will now be approved by the ds DISK Council.
BcA. Šenkeřík pointed out that the DISK Council is appointed by the Dean and thus the Dean has full authority over the DISK Theatre, while the Senate includes representatives of students and teachers from the whole school. Dr. Malaníková responded that, as a member of the DISK Council, she could assure those present that she saw the expansion of the definition in the Bylaws as an effort to declare that the space has multiple functions, and that this change does not generate higher demands on space and operations, but rather reflects current events regarding the interconnection and balancing of departmental positions. Dr. Plicková supported her, stating that she perceived the situation to be that the change to the Bylaws is in response to a change that has already happened or is already happening on an ongoing basis. Assoc. Prof. Adámek stated that he did not perceive any complaints from the student body to KALD that the number of playing dates was being reduced or that the number of Premieres was being reduced. Dr. Brychta stated that he is also a member of the ds DISK Council and that the debate on this matter has been robust, no one will be limited, all departments have been part of the discussions. Assoc. Adámek argued that the way the Senate works is that if someone has a problem, they can bring it to the Senate for discussion, but we don't have time in the Senate to even discuss the regular agenda, let alone the DISK Operating Rules, so he sees it as useful to take that burden off the Senate. C. Janeček said that one of the suggestions at the 0th STRK meeting was aimed at cooperation with DISK, we will discuss it later. Dr. Mírek explained that the approval of the DISK Operating Rules should fall under the DISK Council, as this document and this body are closely related. All DAMU departments are represented on the Council (i.e. not just the departments whose students play in DISK). The fact that the membership of the DISK Council is appointed by the Dean gives it legitimacy.
Dr. Schmoranzová stated that the only suggestion that was addressed in the DISK Council in this context was the objection that there was no student representative on the Council. She stated that the Board was aware of this fact, had discussed it and would address it in the future.
The Dean argued that the Senate has the ability to propose the removal of the Dean or to challenge his actions, so the functioning of the ds DISK is certainly not compromised. He sees the change in the DAMU Statutes as a relief. Moreover, the change will be discussed at the AS AMU, which is another safeguard.
Vice Dean Somoš stated that de facto only the amendment of Article 14 and Article 28 is subject to discussion and approval, all other articles of the DAMU Statute remain unchanged. He also stated that he received several suggestions on the proposed modification from the AMU lawyer, these suggestions can be discussed.
The dean also outlined the current state of the negotiations on external premises and also opened the topic of the possible connection of DAMU with the premises of Kasárna Karlín - he said that we are at the beginning, it will be a long-term process, but we have the support of the AMU Rector. He said that the municipality is trying to solve the current plight of the Kasárna and added that it would be madness to let the building fall into disrepair.
Vice Dean Somoš projected and commented on the comments from the lawyer.
Resolution: The AS DAMU approves the proposal to amend Article 14 and Article 28 of the Statutes of the DAMU in the submitted form, including the amendments discussed at the meeting of the AS DAMU.
For 10
Against 0
Abstentions 0
The final version of the amendment to Article 14 and Article 28 of the Statutes of DAMU is attached to these minutes.
Vice Dean Somoš presented the set parameters of the admission procedure. For the first time, the proposal of the number of admitted applicants (i.e. the maximum number of admitted applicants) is set and the time limit within which the admission procedure will be evaluated is also set.
There were no comments from the members of the Senate, so a vote was taken.
Resolution: The AS DAMU approves the conditions of admission to Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes for the academic year 2025/2026 in the submitted form.
For 10
Against 0
Abstentions 0
Dr. Schmoranzová left the meeting.
Dr. Mírek briefly introduced the nature of the change, which is thoroughly described in a letter from Prof. Srstka, the guarantor of the DAMU Master's Degree Program (the letter was available to the DAMU AS members in advance). It is a formal change in the admission procedure to the follow-up Master's degree programme Production and Management in the Academic Year 2024/25 (two specialisations). The admission requirements set the maximum number of admissions at 6+6 for both specialisations, i.e. a total of 12, but given the form of the programme and the individual specialisations, setting the capacity of the specialisations is inappropriate. The change is aimed at maintaining only the maximum capacity of the programme of 12 students in the admission conditions, with no limit of 6+6 in the specialisations. This solution does not affect the economic or personnel part of the department's operation, is not to the detriment of applicants and will help to improve the quality and flexibility of the teaching setup and does not increase the maximum total number of admitted applicants in the study programme.
Resolution: The AS DAMU approves the change in the admission procedure to the follow-up Master's degree programme Production and Management for the academic year 2024/2025 (two specialisations) in the submitted form.
For 10
Against 0
Abstentions 0
BcA. Dostálová gave a brief update on the 0th meeting of the newly initiated STRK student platform. Suggestions from the next, i.e. 1st meeting, which is still being prepared, will be presented to the DAMU AS.
E. Přichystalová stated that for some students the date of the platform clashed with an exam and asked if the next date will be announced with more advance notice. BcA. Dostálová assured that for the next meeting, negotiating for time off for students is on the cards. BcA. Novak confirmed that the 0th meeting was called on short notice.
Discussion followed about the functioning of the AS DAMU, the speed of discussing agenda items, the rules related to placing items on the agenda, and the time senators have to study the submitted documents.
The AS DAMU was addressed by the President of the AS FAMU, Dr. Procházka, with a call to join the resolution of the AS FAMU dated 23/05/2024, which reads:
"The AS FAMU identifies with the initiative of the FAMU student body to raise a banner or flag 'Ceasefire Now' on the Palace of the Lažanští, calling for an end to the fighting in the Gaza Strip, which has caused many civilian casualties in recent months and prevented sufficient humanitarian aid in the affected area. It also calls for the immediate release of all hostages. It also calls on other AMU senates to join this call."
The FAMU AS call opened an intense debate in the DAMU AS, in which all present discussed the evolution of the conflict in the Gaza Strip, the context of similar resolutions adopted by the AS DAMU in the past, and the context of the current strong purely political statements coming from senior government officials (completely outside the scope of the Senate). The AS DAMU concluded that this is a very complex political issue and that it does not feel legitimate to speak for the entire DAMU Academic Community in such a complex situation.
During the discussion, Dr. Brychta excused himself from the meeting.
Dr. Plicková informed the attendees that she had received, from Assoc. Prof. Daniela Jobertová, a detailed report on the motion that she and Assoc. Prof. Slavomir Hořínka (HAMU lecturer) submitted on March 6, 2024 to the Rector of AMU. The matter concerns the habilitation proceedings of doc. Lukáš Klánský. According to Assoc. Prof. Jobertová the matter is still in process. The letter of Assoc. Prof. Jobertová together with four attachments was received by the members of the AS DAMU in advance. The materials are available for the academic community here. Dr. Plicková added that Assoc. Profs. Jobertová and Hořínka also addressed a letter to the President of the AS AMU MgA. Michal Lázňovský, Ph.D., requesting that the AS AMU pay attention to the matter and ensure that the academic community is informed about the manner and results of the review.
Dr. Plicková stated that this was a serious situation and that on the same day as the current AS DAMU meeting, there was also an extraordinary AS HAMU meeting convened specifically on this matter. Assoc. Prof. Adámek summarized that he was deeply shocked that the dean of HAMU had his own son write his bachelor's, master's and dissertation thesis under his tutelage, and pushed him through all the way to habilitation. Mgr. Štefková said that this case explicitly shows what acting from a position of power can look like.
The dean said that withdrawing the degree is not possible; it is important to appeal now to prevent similar situations from happening again. Dr. Mirek stated that the conflict of interest case presented is blatant and completely unacceptable. Doc. Adámek stated that he does not want to speculate how many people may have known about the matter and did not take action. Vice Dean Somoš supported the idea that it is important to talk about what to do about this in a systemic way in the future. He stated that in the new Chancellor's Order on Habilitation and Professorships 8/2024, there is a large section dedicated to conflict of interest. However, the possibility to object to bias is given only to the candidate in Article 6, paragraph 1 of the decree and the proposal of the Vice Dean Somoš to extend this to other possible objectors was not accepted. Dr. Plicková added that this was a question of ethics and that reference could be made to the AMU Code of Ethics. Assoc. Prof. Adamek spoke about the statute of limitations on ethical violations and suggested that we ask the Rector to be aware of measures to prevent such a thing from happening again.
MgA. Ljubková pointed out that the only formal thing the complaint refers to that is not in order is the lack of practical experience. (The Dean and BcA. Šenkeřík left the meeting.) MgA. Ljubková raised the question whether there was any possibility to appeal to the Dean of DAMU to create safeguards at DAMU in the context of the situation. Assoc. Prof. Adámek responded that the case presented has to be dealt with by the Rector's Office.
The AS DAMU has discussed the matters pertaining to the habilitation process of Assoc. Prof. L. Klánský (HAMU) and appeals to the Rector of AMU to pay attention to the matter and inform the AS DAMU about the follow-up steps that will lead to the prevention of similar conflicts of interest and ethical and formal misconduct in the future.
For 9
Against 0
Abstentions 0
There were no other topics raised for acute discussion.
The AS DAMU Chair thanked those present for their active participation throughout the semester and wished everyone a good summer.
Final text of the amendment of Article 14 and Article 28 of the Statute of DAMU
The documents for the meeting, including the annex, can be found here.
Recorded by: Eliška Přichystalová and Karolina Plicková
Minutes of items 6, 7, 8 and 11 were revised by: Assoc. Prof. Michal Somoš
Approved by: Mgr. Karolina Plicková, Ph.D., Chairperson of AS DAMU, v.r.
Translated from Czech by DeepL and Jakob Keller
29. July 2024
Theatre faculty of Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
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