
Pedagogical chamber: doc. MgA. Jiří Adámek, Ph.D., MgA. et MgA. Lukáš Brychta, Ph.D.; MgA. Roman Černík; MgA Mgr. Marta Ljubková; MgA. Hana Malaníková, Ph.D., MgA. David Mírek, Ph.D.; Mgr. Karolina Plicková, Ph.D.; Mgr. Kateřina Štefková

Student Chamber: Anastázie Dobrodinská; BcA. Doubravka Dostálová; Eliška Drbohlavová; Cyril Janeček; BcA. Filip Novák

Online: -

Excused: -

Minutes recorded by: Eliška Přichystalová

Guests present: doc. MgA. Mgr. Mgr. Karel František Tománek, Dean of DAMU; prof. Mgr. Jan Hančil; Mgr. Michal Somoš; MgA. Tereza Došlová; BcA. Michal Sikora; doc. Mgr. Radek Marušák; MgA. Mgr. Gabriela Zelená Sittová, Ph.D.; MgA. Pavel Zajíček; BcA. Jan-Jakub Šenkeřík; doc. Mgr. Martina Musilová; doc. MgA. Mgr. Michal Čunderle, Ph.D.

At the beginning, Dr. Plicková, the Chair of the AS DAMU, welcomed the attendees, introduced them to the meeting agenda and proposed the inclusion of the current item Support for flying the rainbow flag on the DAMU building. Dr. Plicková said that she proposed to place the discussion of this matter (which the DAMU AS had already unanimously agreed to support) at the beginning of the meeting. She also invited the attendees to possibly add other items. No additional proposals were made.


1. Support for flying the rainbow flag on the DAMU building

2. Discussion of the accreditation file for the doctoral program in Drama, Psychosomatics and Authorship in Education and Social Practice - presented by the Dean of DAMU

3. Updates on the Collapse of the System protest - submitted by Filip Novák

4. Miscellaneous

Dr. Plicková then called for an acclamation vote on the agenda.

Vote on the agenda:

For: 13

Against: 0

Abstentions: 0

All Senators present expressed their approval of the agenda as presented.

1. Support for the flying of the rainbow flag on the DAMU building

Dr. Plicková introduced the initiative of DAMU students and founders of the Queerverse Platform BcA. Michal Sikora and BcA. Roman Poliak, who approached the AS DAMU with a proposal to fly a progressive LGBTQ+ flag on the DAMU building from 20.5.-27.5.2024.

The proposal came on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Transphobia and Intersexophobia, which took place on 17.5.2024. The flag is a symbol of support for the freedom and equality for all LBTQ+ people. The motion was made on Friday 17.5., the AS DAMU unanimously agreed to support it. In cooperation with PR DAMU MgA. Došlová raised the Queerverse Platform flag on the DAMU building on Monday 20.5. The AS DAMU is preparing a resolution to officially support this initiative.

BcA. Sikora presented the Queerverse Platform, which was created as a master's project at KALD DAMU. It is an action platform that works in the field of theatre and beyond. As part of the public debate on the marriage-for-all law, the founders of the platform sent out an open letter to academic senates across the country and provoked discussion of the issue in many sessions. At the WILD! festival on the 28th May 2024, the platform will present its performative project Special Session of the Academic Senate, which is based on collected documentary materials and which has also opened up the topic of the (a)politicisation of universities. The platform is also mapping the situation of LGBTQ+ people at DAMU and plans to participate in the meeting of the newly formed Student Quality Council / STRK (to be held on 3.6.2024 from 13:00-15:00 in R202 at DAMU, more about STRK below).


The AS DAMU has already unanimously supported the raising of the flag as a preliminary measure. Therefore, Dr. Plicková proposed the wording of the resolution straight away.

Resolution: the AS DAMU supports the flying of the progressive intersex rainbow flag on the DAMU building on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexophobia and Transphobia. At the same time, the AS DAMU is committed to working with DAMU to create and cultivate an open and respectful environment where freedom and equality for all LGBTQ+ people is a given.

For:                13

Against:          0

Abstentions:    0

Dr. Plicková asked faculty leadership if it was possible for the flag to remain on the building for the entire week - the Dean of DAMU agreed.

2. Discussion of the accreditation file for the doctoral studies program Drama, Psychosomatics and Authorship in Education and Social Practice - presented by the Dean of DAMU

The Dean of DAMU briefly presented the accreditation dossier of the DSP in Drama, Psychosomatics and Authorship in Pedagogy and Social Practice. The file together with other materials and the statement of the future programme guarantor Prof. Hančil were received by the members of the AS DAMU in advance. The materials are available for the academic community here.

Points discussed:

1. Accreditation file Drama, psychosomatics and authorship

2. CV of the guarantor Prof. Jan Hančil

3. CV of external members of the disciplinary board

The Dean of DAMU stated that together with the Vice-Dean doc. Koubová and Vice-Dean Mgr. Somoš, they had, in response to the current form of the accreditation dossier, formulated points that would be good to discuss.


Quality methodologist MgA. Došlová briefly introduced the different stages of the accreditation process. She stated that the substantive plan was submitted by Prof. Hančil in October 2023, and was further discussed by the College Dean and the Internal Review Board. Accreditation of the expiring doctoral study programmes ends on 31.12.2024. After the accreditation file has been discussed by the AS DAMU, the file will be discussed by the Arts Council at its June meeting. After presenting the schedule of the accreditation process, MgA. Došlová left the meeting for work reasons.

Dr. Plicková asked Prof. Hančil for an introduction and Mgr. Somos for comments from the faculty leadership. Prof. Hančil stated that he expected that the discussion on the space for the new program would not be discussed at this time, as this matter was part of the substantive plan that had already been discussed. Mgr. Somoš stated that the faculty management considers the accreditation file to be well prepared and appreciates its quality and consistency. At the same time, he stated that the faculty management had only become familiar with the file less than a week ago, when the file was also made available to the AS DAMU. He outlined the specific areas of comment: the substantive plan states the duration of studies as 3 years, while the accreditation file now speaks of 4 years, which is unexpected, does not correspond with the substantive plan, and means a different financial and spatial burden. The change needs to be discussed. This year we have transfers of PhD students from programs with expiring accreditations to successor programs, and these are all three-year programs. The increase in the length of study means more demands on stipends. Furthermore, Mgr. Somoš stated that it is not clear from the file whether or not graduate achievement is a mandatory component and that the specifics of a graduate’s performance in individual profiles need to be clarified. He also drew attention to the fact that the file mentioned the institution of vice-chairs of the subject council, a practice which is unusual and not known by law or internal regulations. He asked how the powers and duties of this position would be defined. He added that the faculty leadership has more questions.

BcA Sikora left the meeting. doc. Čunderle, on the other hand, arrived.

Prof. Hančil responded that the comments were of substance, and expressed his thanks for them. The change from a three-year to a four-year duration of study, according to him, came after the realization that the program was overloaded with subject courses and that it would be good to adjust the duration of study. Spatially, he expects to be able to utilize the capacity of the Tržiště building. He stated that he considers artistic and pedagogical achievement to be a graduate achievement. The meeting at this stage was joined by doc. Musilová. Prof. Hančil stated that the decision on whether students will graduate with an artistic performance in addition to their dissertation will be made when the framework curriculum is adopted. Regarding the position of the vice-chair of the subject council, he stated that it is still a rather symbolic role, without support in the rules of procedure of the subject councils, and that it can be clarified.

Mgr. Somoš responded that these things need to be clarified in the file and that names need to be included. He reiterated that the change in the length of study needed to be commented on and discussed. He added that he had a number of other comments. He stated that under the amendment to the higher education laws, the cost per student is increasing and therefore the increase in length of study by one year brings a significant increase in overall costs.

Doc. Adámek raised the question of what the role of the AS DAMU is in this situation. He stated that he felt the need to monitor the financial demands of the program and the associated space requirements. A discussion developed about the funding of doctoral programs and the number of students in doctoral programs. Dr. Mírek questioned why we need doctoral students at the university - he stated that originally at DAMU a single joint doctoral program had been discussed, which would be a more economical solution. However, three programs were eventually created. He stated that he understands the substantive intent of the program being discussed, and that the program has its specifics, but argued that there are no resources, the school does not have money for pedagogues, we do not have accurate information about the costs associated with the new program, and that furthermore it is not a requirement at DAMU to hold a PhD to become an Associate Professor or Professor (who can then guarantee the programs). According to him, the head of the disciplinary council should hold*a Ph.D. Discussion developed. Doc. Musilová stated that PhD students become academics, teachers and continuators of the field. Dr. Plicková asked if it was realistic to reduce the length of the program to three years again - Prof. Hančil responded that it was not realistic in the time frame remaining before the arts council meeting.

Doc. Adámek expressed the wish that the AS DAMU be more deeply involved in the ongoing transformation of the doctoral studies at DAMU. MgA. Černík stated that from his position as a senator he perceives a responsibility not only for funding but also for direction - for transparency he presented that he is pedagogically involved in the program. He stated that the program is following a positive trend of moving away from specialized boxes and appreciated that the program is internally differentiated. Doc. Adámek asked about the pedagogical involvement of Doc. Vladimír Novák, who is also involved in theatre production in specific groups at the Research Institute of Alternative, Puppet and Specific Theatre.

Dr. Plicková stated that the accreditation file reached the AS DAMU less than a week ago and summarized that its study and discussion is taking place in a great time pressure. She asked if the process could have been set up differently and more favourably. She stated that she personally considered the discussion between Prof. Hančil and Mgr. Somoš, which highlights the points requiring attention as key. Mgr. Somoš confirmed that everything is happening in a relatively short time - especially because of the transfer of students from the outgoing programmes to the successor ones. Discussion followed on the methodology for evaluating accreditation files, the number of students in the doctoral program, and the amount of their stipends. Doc. Adámek reiterated that we are only finding out part of one big revolutionary change. Dr. Malaníková reminded that the debate on the reform of doctoral studies has been going on at DAMU on various platforms for the second year now which includes the Senate, of which doc. Adámek was a member. BcA. Novák argued that the AS DAMU does not approve the file. Dr. Plicková stated that the discussion accompanying the shaping of doctoral programs is intense and would require more time, but given the other agenda items that needed to be discussed, she suggested moving towards the formulation of a resolution. Doc. Marušák stated that this is primarily a matter of funding and suggested returning to the purpose of the program: the program being presented is, in his opinion, essential for the establishment of the field. Dr. Brychta added that the programme is compact and comprehensible and the four-year duration of the study is understandable. Mgr. Somoš responded that we only found out about the four years of study a week ago. In view of the other items on the agenda, the wording of the resolution was proceeded with.

The AS DAMU discussed the accreditation file of the doctoral study programme Drama, Psychosomatics and Authorship in Pedagogy and Social Practice and recommended the guarantor of the programme to deal with the comments of the faculty management.

For:              13

Against:        0

Abstentions:  0

Prof. Hančil, Doc. Marušák, MgA. Zelená Sittová, MgA. Zajíček, doc. Musilová and doc. Čunderle left the sitting.

3. Updates on the Collapse of the systém protest - presented by Filip Novák

BcA. Novák informed the attendees about the updates on the planned protest event Collapse of the System, which is being convened by the Hour of Truth initiative for Monday, June 3rd, 2024, from 16:00 to 18:00.

More information can be found HERE

He reminded that the AS DAMU adopted a resolution at its last meeting declaring its affiliation with the protest action and appealed to the academic senates of AMU, FAMU and HAMU to also intensively address the issue of university funding. He summarised that the next AMU Senate sitting is after the protest event, the FAMU Senate would discuss the topic, and that the HAMU Senate did not list the topic on its May 15th, 2024 meeting agenda. Dr. Plicková added that FAMU AS President Dr. Procházka personally supports our initiative and states that he will propose the adoption of a similar resolution at the 23/5/2024 AS FAMU meeting.

BcA. Novák then outlined the course of the protest: 16:00 start at Jan Palach Square, speeches in front of the Rudolfinum building, then a march around the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and an informal ending at Kampa. The event is non-violent and no banners can be left anywhere as it would be amount to illegal littering. The event is supported by the University Trade Union, the Association of Deans of Theological Faculties, DAMU, AS FF UPCE, the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, AS FF MU and many other faculties and institutions. The nature of the event is twofold: on the one hand, the protest event itself and, on the other hand, the writing of letters to MPs. In response to communication with the Hour of Truth initiative, it was stated that Dr. Plicková would speak on behalf of the DAMU AS at the protest.


The practicalities of preparing for participation in the protest event were discussed. Dr. Plicková asked BcA. Novak if he could prepare a simple manual for the DAMU Academic Community regarding ways to get involved and promised to distribute the manual within the faculty. Members of the DAMU AS discussed their involvement in the protest.

4. Miscellaneous

C. Janecek asked the Dean of DAMU at what stage the preparation of the proposal for new members of the UR DAMU is at. He reminded that the AS DAMU at its 2nd meeting on 2.4.2024 asked the Dean to present a completed candidate list, where female candidates would be represented alongside male candidates, by the next Senate meeting as part of the concern for equal opportunities at DAMU. The Dean responded that discussions with potential female candidates are ongoing and that he will present an updated proposal to the Senate soon.

BcA. Dostálová presented the planned 0th meeting of the newly established student discussion platform STRK (Student Quality Council), which will take place on Monday, June 3, 1:00-3:00 p.m. in room R202 at DAMU. The event will be English-friendly. More information can be found here: https://www.damu.cz/cs/udalosti/strk-studentska-rada-kvality-2018/ And also in the FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1513082759601346 The creation of the platform was initiated by the AS DAMU student chamber, which was inspired by a functional model from JAMU.

The DAMU Student Chamber has already contacted the initiators of the Brno STRK, who agree to the use of the model at DAMU and are also open to mutual cooperation between the two faculties.

BcA. Dostálová informed the senators about the fact that she, as the president of the DAMU student chamber, was approached by the dean of DAMU with a request that the senate student chamber and the student body actively participate in the preparations for the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution, which should take place on the eve of the International Student Day, i.e. 16th November 2024.
The aim is to prepare a program of a character more than just that of remembrance, to make it topical and attractive for current students.
Mgr. Somoš also expressed his wish to meet with the DAMU Student Chamber, namely in connection with thinking about possible forms of student evaluation of the semester at the whole faculty. E. Drbohlavová suggested including this issue for discussion at the STRK meeting. Dr. Malaníková suggested opening the issue of evaluation also at the AS DAMU meeting sometime in the future.

The Chairwoman of the AS DAMU thanked the attendees for their active participation and invited them to the next meeting, which is scheduled for Monday, 10th June, 2024 at 16:00 in the DAMU conference room.

The documents for the meeting are at the disposal of the DAMU academic community here.

Minutes taken by: Eliška Přichystalová and Karolina Plicková

Approved by: Mgr. Karolina Plicková, Ph.D., Chair of AS DAMU, v.r.

Translated from Czech by DeepL & Jakob Keller

6. June 2024