The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Theatre of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague expresses its support to the Student Chamber of the Academic Senate of AVU and its statement of 15 June 2024 on the petition against AVU, CJCH and NG.
We are shocked by the form and content of the petition, which is full of misinformation, argumentative fouls and demagogic accusations that are not based on facts.
For the above reasons, we do not consider the petition to be an attempt to start a constructive dialogue and we appeal to the academic and artistic community and the wider public not to be swayed by hasty conclusions and to check the relevance of the information they are handling.
The Academic Senate of the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Praz, namely
Mgr. Karolina Plicková, Ph.D., Chairperson of the AS DAMU
MgA. Hana Malaníková, Ph.D., Vice-Chairperson for the Chamber of Education
BcA. Doubravka Dostálová, Vice-Chairwoman for the Student Chamber
doc. MgA. Jiří Adámek Austerlitz, Ph.D.
MgA. et MgA. Lukáš Brychta, Ph.D.
MgA. David Mírek, Ph.D.
MgA. Mgr. Marta Ljubková
MgA. Mgr. Roman Černík
Mgr. Kateřina Štefková
BcA. Eliška Drbohlavová
BcA. Filip Novák
Anastázie Dobrodinská
Cyril Janeček
The DAMU management joins the statement of the DAMU AS and hereby expresses its full support to the current AVU management.
18. June 2024
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