The Academic Senate of DAMU on Friday, 18 October 2024, there were three rounds of voting on the proposal for the appointment of the Dean of DAMU for the term 2025-2029.

In the third round of voting, the members of the DAMU AS expressed their opinions as follows:

  • for the candidate doc. Mgr. Daniela Jobertová, Ph.D. - 8 votes
  • for the candidate doc. MgA. Mgr. Karel František Tománek - 5 votes
  • abstained - 0 votes

Based on the election results, AS DAMU proposes to the Rector of AMU the candidate doc. Mgr. Daniela Jobertová, Ph.D. for appointment as Dean of DAMU for the term of office 2025-2029.

AS DAMU hereby congratulates the elected candidate and thanks the current dean for his work for the faculty in the current term of office, which will last until 14.3.2025. 

AS DAMU also thanks the Academic Community of DAMU for the constructive discussion in the DISK Theatre, in which we reflected on the current issues to be addressed and verbally modelled possible forms of the future of the Theatre Faculty of AMU. We firmly believe that the accumulated energy will not be lost and will translate into a willingness to continue this mutually respectful dialogue. 

The video recordings of the DAMU Academic Assembly and the DAMU AS meeting from Friday 18 October 2024 will be available for viewing one month from the election day, i.e. until 18 November 2024. Links to the video recordings are available on the election portal.

The minutes of the DAMU AS meeting held on 18/10/2024 will be posted on the Senate website in the following days.


On behalf of the Academic Senate of DAMU,

Mgr. Karolina Plicková, Ph.D., Chairwoman of the AS DAMU

23. October 2024